Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Golden Circle

During the past couple of weeks I attended a meeting and a twitter chat that discussed the Golden Circle. 

 Why? What? How? All if these questions we connected to education. At the time I felt my answers were wrong because I did not mention testing at all. I dug deeper past the curriculum.

Why do I teach? I teach because I have a true passion for students and their education. Seeing a child success at something they have worked so hard on fill my heart with joy.

What do I teach? Of course I teach required material but I also teach life. I teach my kids tools that they will need to be successful throughout their educational career. I teach love, patience and trust. Loving my kids and letting them know I love them is most important to me.

How do I teach? I teach using real life examples. Students must be able to connect their education to something real to them. This leads to more meaningful learning.

Kids are my passion! Loving each child every day no matter what takes a special person. We do not teach for money or fame. We teach to prepare our future leaders, doctors, lawyers etc. 


  1. Morning Brandi - I read your blog and enjoyed it very much. I agree that teaching with passion is the way to get kids to love learning. I was exploring the idea of teaching with passion on my blog. Feel free to check it out: Here is a link if you want to check it out.

    I noticed on your twitter feed that you're a tech teacher and I have a question for you. I'm trying to find an easier way to follow the blogs of the people in my PLN. Unfortunately - they - like you - aren't on wordpress. Is there a way other than to just keep an eye on twitter to link blogs across different posting sites? If you know of a better way of keeping up on what everyone is posting - I'd love to know.

    All the best and enjoy your Sunday!

    1. Please forgive me for not responding, I read your reply and even asked a few people about your question. Thank you for your kind words. I'm hoping to begin blogging again soon.

      Again so sorry.
