Saturday, January 4, 2014

2013 A Year in Review

Through hard work, perseverance and a faith in God,you can live your dreams. Benjamin Carson Hopefully I have completed this blog before 2015. I am not a strong writer and I have deleted it several times. As I reflect on the past year many things come to mind, things that have taught me how to have endurance & perseverance. This which I discussed with Herbert O'Neil Jr. , when he mentioned that education could learn a lot from football players. Each game these players show perseverance as they work hard to achieve their goal. They push forward no matter the outcome, never giving up. This last year I too have pushed forward , stepping out of comfort zones, achieving what I saw as unattainable and facing new challenges. As we worked side by side with our daughter so that she could attend the college of her choice I never gave up. Prayed oh how I prayed everyday every minute. Brett and I also worked diligently to keep our family going as we pursued our masters degree. I can assure you that some days I sounded like my students saying I don't want to do my homework. Stepping out of that comfort zone my small bubble I have always hid in was truly difficult and still is at times. Through this all I held my head high and kept going. Endurance the ability to push on no matter the pain. Although I comment on the money these players make I must think about the pain, wear and tear on their bodies, but they keep going. 2013 brought the pain of letting go, moving forward and even some painful health issues but I endured the pain and moved on. It has taken much faith in my Lord & Savior and support of my awesome husband to get through this year but we did and what a great year it turned out to be. Through it all our daughter was accepted and attends Dallas Baptist University. I am so proud of all she has accomplished and pray for her continued success. Brett and I both completed our masters degree , something I said I would never do. I am so glad he was by my side again as we completed another goal together. We also walked the stage together for our bachelors. The bubble, my comfort zone, don't look at them and they will not notice you. Although I still struggle at times I am very proud of the progress I have made this year. It began with Twitter connecting and learning from other great educators. Meeting my inspiration Rafranz Davis was an awesome highlight. Many others have and continue to inspire me such as Toby, Daisy, Todd, The Great Principal El, IPad Sammy, Matt Gomez , Dave and so many more. Thank you all for bring a part of my PLN I look forward to many more learning opportunities in the new year. 2013 Highlights College Daughter Masters Degree EdCamps Talking with Dave Burgess on the phone, can't wait to have BBQ with you next time your in Texas. Looking forward to 2014 when I get to meet Principal El. Stay blessed and in touch!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Golden Circle

During the past couple of weeks I attended a meeting and a twitter chat that discussed the Golden Circle. 

 Why? What? How? All if these questions we connected to education. At the time I felt my answers were wrong because I did not mention testing at all. I dug deeper past the curriculum.

Why do I teach? I teach because I have a true passion for students and their education. Seeing a child success at something they have worked so hard on fill my heart with joy.

What do I teach? Of course I teach required material but I also teach life. I teach my kids tools that they will need to be successful throughout their educational career. I teach love, patience and trust. Loving my kids and letting them know I love them is most important to me.

How do I teach? I teach using real life examples. Students must be able to connect their education to something real to them. This leads to more meaningful learning.

Kids are my passion! Loving each child every day no matter what takes a special person. We do not teach for money or fame. We teach to prepare our future leaders, doctors, lawyers etc. 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

What is your "Real World Connection"?

A  great man shared the other day how we want our students to go to Penn State, not the state pen @Principal El. As I visited my younger (21) brother in the State Jail this weekend, this thought ran through my head over and over again. We visited for two hours and as he talked about the things he did on the outside , even though they were not good, I listened. 

Looking around at what he lives in contact once a week, no air, crappy food and the complete loss of freedom I was deeply saddened. It then came to mind that he talks about the things he did on the outside because it connects him to his real world, this is the only real connection from where he is at. 

Many times we talk about connecting learning to the " real world" to help our students learn. My question is, Do we know their real world? As educators have we taken the time to build the relationships needed to connect with the " real world " of our students. 

It is great to connect learning with things that students can relate to but do we know them well enough to know what that might be. We must build our relationships around each child's real world, for each world is different. Many years I have taken students on their first trip ever to the zoo. Without this opportunity would they know what a lion is, of course they would, but would their connection be " real world"? 

Although we may not always be able to change the path of every child , we must work to connect with their "real world". Principal El I will be leading my kids to Penn State , not the State Pen. My brother will be there another year and I encourage him daily to get his GED. He is very intelligent, made some wrong choices, no one took the time to connect to his real world. Educators are you ready to make those connections? 

Thanksgiving 2011-he was arrested two weeks later. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

When One Door Closes....

Today as I was spending time with my family at NASA,I received a message that something I wanted was not happening. Immediately I became discouraged , frustrated and decided I am done. I know longer wanted to further my education , develop my leadership skills or even return to the classroom. This may sound totally crazy but I felt as if these are battles I must fight continually and I am tired. 

As we began our tour the tension in my neck continued to build until the pain was excruciating. We traveled through NASA listening to the guide my mind was filled with many thoughts. We entered the mock training facility and as my girls observed asking questions , I took a deep breath and let it go. Instantly I felt relief and began enjoying time with my family. I realized I am in education for the students , I love their inquiring minds. I love to teach , lead and care for them as I guide them on a successful educational journey! 

Although I feel a door was closed today, I also feel many have been opened. I do not have to lean on someone to help me grow into the educator and someday leader I want to be. It's time to take flight and be noticed for who I am and what I can offer. Thank you to my great husband and my new twitter friend Rafranz Davis for helping me see this. I must look into the doors that have opened through the development of a great PLN! The chats and the ideas from those of my PLN has helped me grow in many ways ,ways I could never imagine! Thank you Brett for support,Rafranz for inspiring , Ninja Todd and Ninja Stacey for augmented reality( that I had fun with today) , Matt and Sammy for showing me that there are things out there I know about and should share! Maybe by October I will be brave enough to do that @MBG! Doors are flying open I must step up and enter. 

The will to win,the desire to succeed,the urge to reach your full potential, these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence. Confucius 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

EdCamp Experience from a Newbie

The day was Saturday July 27, 2013. As I approached Timberview Middle School my nerves began to kick in. The voices in my head haunted me with things like: Your not a Tech Pro like the people here, Stay to yourself- don't make eye contact and most of all make sure you schedule a session with someone from your district. As we entered we were greeted and given instructions. I followed them successfully :) We entered the cafe with all the other educators and found our spot to sit. I began to look around the room and see friends from twitter, they are real not just a face on your twitter page. Although the voice did keep me from meeting many of them I did not listen when it came to my inspiration Rafranz Davis. It was great to connect with her in person! The session board was put up , I grabbed my session paper walked over and chose where I would like to go. To my surprise I had shut the voice up and I did not worry about where my fellow coworkers were going. I felt it important that we spread out , learn as much as we could and get together and collaborate. I felt a bit of independence as I traveled to my sessions without someone I knew at my side. Most importantly my husband,whom was there, that I always follow like his shadow. I would like to say that the sessions were awesome! The open forum is great! Participation from all was amazing! My first session Google Docs taught me many things that I do not know about the Google World. I am headed to the Google Summit!!!!!!!!!!!! Augmented Reality rocked my world!!!! Thank You Ninja Todd and Ninja Stacey for introducing some amazing apps and ideas for the new year! You guys rock!! My last session was Ipad Anything with IpadSammy and Matt Gomez. What can you say about these two? :) Thank you guys for the great apps!! I had a few I thought about sharing but the voice said no, maybe next time. Overall this was a great experience to meet others just like you, some will teach you and some you will teach. I cna not wait to see all of my twitter friends in October for EdCamp Dallas!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Achieving Growth in a Storm

The many uses of the word storm: storms of life, thunder storm, stormed out in anger. These are all very familiar but have we ever thought of our students going through a storm. When looking up the definition here is what I found :
a : a disturbance of the atmosphere marked by wind and usually by rain, snow, hail, sleet, or thunder and lightning
b : a heavy fall of rain, snow, or hail
d : a serious disturbance of any element of nature
: a disturbed or agitated state <storms of emotion> : a sudden or violent commotion
: a heavy discharge of objects (as missiles)
: a tumultuous outburst <a storm of protests>
a : paroxysm 2
b : a sudden heavy influx or onset
: a violent assault on a defended position
Lets focus on 2A... Many times we see students reach this level of "storm". What do we do to lead them safely through? If there's a tornado we protect them with shelter , if something happens at home we lend a listening ear. Above all this what do we do to grow them as they travel through this storm. 
I feel as educators it is important to build a relationship with your students so that we will know what educational "storm" they may face. Just as a meteorologist uses tools for weather , we need to equip our students with tools for education. Check their gauge each day to see how they are, give them boots or an umbrella when the rain comes down. Think of ways they can record data to see their growth. Look for new innovated ways to approach their storm. As a meteorologist we have many available forms of technology to offer learners the best education that they deserve... 

As you walk through the storm leading, protecting and believing in your students they will begin to grow. Just like the beautiful flowers we see blossom after a storm, they to will blossom and be ready to face the next storm, so that the beauty of growing will never end. 
This year I will be amongst many young blooms, that I will equip with tools for continued growth the rest of their lives. 

The little reed, bending to the force of the wind, soon stood upright again when the storm had passed over.


Thursday, July 18, 2013

The other "F" word!

Fear the other F word that we do not discuss often, or that I do not discuss often. In my mind I have always believed that if you were fearful you were weak. To this day I try to cover up my Fear so that I am not viewed as weak. 

Definition of FEAR

a : an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger
(1) : an instance of this emotion 
(2) : a state marked by this emotion
: anxious concern : solicitude
: profound reverence and awe especially toward God
: reason for alarm : danger

This past week I have felt much fear, not fear of someone , but fear of events in my life. Changes & decisions, we all know it as life. Changes- my oldest is heading to college. This is an exciting time in her life and I know she will be very successful. Fear - how will we pay, financial aid still in the process, first payment due soon.. It's almost both our paychecks together. 
Decisions- I have decided to step in to a new position this year. I am experiencing the Fear of change.  I loved my team and will miss them dearly. I am fearful of my ability to fulfill my new duties. 

Then someone posted a bible verse from Isaiah 46:4 I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescues you.

I know in my heart that this is true. If  it was not meant for my daughter to attend her college of choice she would not have been accepted. She prayed , we prayed many nights and days for her to get through that ACT... She did it!

I know in my heart that I will be great in my new position. There is a deep passion and love for special needs children that I have and all can see. 
It is ok to be fearful but do not let it consume you as I have. You are never alone! 
  • Isaiah 41:13

    For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.